Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

usb hard drive unmount


Hi, hope this is in the right place. I've installed tiny core on a couple of boxes now and its great on some of the older stuff that i have.
I recently installed it on a wyse thin client, and have installed samba so that i can share some music and video files across my home network to my openelec boxes. I am currently sharing a couple of usb drives with music on, but am looking to upgrade the storage.

If i was to share a 1tb hard disk that is in a usb enclosure would this be safely unmounted on poweroff, or is there some way of modifying the shutdown command to make this happen?
I am hoping to use xbindkeys to set the power button to safely shut down the unit.

Also, is there any way of enabling spindown of the drive when not in use?

Any help/suggestions appreciated!


Use acpid to configure the power button.
Shutdown unmounts all drives.
Spindown depends on the USB drive, but mounted drives sync periodically, and may not spin down.

thanks for reply. I had previously tried acpid but couldnt get it to work successfully, but will persevere with it. I have found a couple of posts that should help me on my way!

I seem to recall that the laptop-mode-tools extension config file allowed you to set a hd to be spun down?

Laptop-mode-tools would only affect the internal hd.


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