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Author Topic: TCL and LXC  (Read 2819 times)

Offline clu

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« on: January 23, 2016, 02:19:03 PM »
As there isn't any extension for LXC and not knowing wether the kernel fits
i'd like to know if anyone has run these in TCL or would be able to bring this up?
  In that case, could share? At least the lesson/experience :-)
There is already a project called boot2docker based on TCL but that's Docker, which
means many other things (packages, default configs...another philosophy altogether).
What i look for is similar to flockbox/flockport project (based on alpine linux) but
much lighter/leaner so... that has to be TCL with its own templates, repository...
They (flockport) repeatdly say their solution is way smaller then based on debian.
True, both projects are smaller than the huge distros and they do work, live, out
of the box, nonethless... TCL can go even farther, can't it?
thank you all .