dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86


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Jason W:
Right now I am aiming to make a tool that will delete deb packages in the import/debs directory that are not referenced by one's current entries in their debinx* files.  I saw I had 7 differenct iceweasel debs in mine, and a tool to run one command to only keep what will be currently used I think will be helpful.

great idea, i did that manually :-)

Jason W:
It's put into place, works for .deb packages, tar.gz prebuilt ones, and -data.tar.gz data files.

I ran sce-debpurge and it removed some deb's.  I then immediately tried to run it a second time, and it returned an error saying "there is an issue connecting to htp://repo.tinycorelinux.net...exiting.

I repeated this exercise later on a different computer...same result, second attempt fails.

Jason W:
The script downloads


An error downloading that file will produce that error, which means it is a network connection error.


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