dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Extra Repositories

Debian Jessie Security Updates


Jason W:
Below is the entry needed in a file in /opt/debextra to make use of the security updates in dCore-jessie:

--- Code: ---http://security.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main

--- End code ---

Jason W:
In fact, I think that a file with this entry named /opt/debextra/jessie-security should be in base as everyone will want to pull from the security updates.  Let me know if there is objection.

As a Debian based user, this is always enabled in our distros, so yes put it in by default.

JasonW, would you consider doing the same for ub-dCore? Cf. http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18394.msg112620.html#msg112620

hi jason,

i'm using your last cut and synced a couple of time the rep,
but "sce-update -a -c" doesn't work properly (although the security-repository is quoted!)
and i don't get the provided security updates :-(

thank you for your help and patience.


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