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$ tce-status -oStandby checking for tcz files not found on: not found!alsa-modules-3.18.7-piCore.tcz.md5.txt not found!alsa-utils.tcz not found!alsa-utils.tcz.dep not found!alsa-utils.tcz.md5.txt not found!libasound-bin.tcz not found!libasound-bin.tcz.dep not found!libasound-bin.tcz.md5.txt not found!libfaad.tcz not found!libfaad.tcz.md5.txt not found!libffmpeg.tcz not found!libffmpeg.tcz.md5 not found!libffmpeg.tcz.md5.txt not found!libsoxr.tcz not found!libsoxr.tcz.md5.txt not found!ncurses-common.tcz not found!ncurses-common.tcz.md5.txt not found!ncurses.tcz.dep not found!wireless-3.18.7-piCore.tcz not found!wireless-3.18.7-piCore.tcz.md5.txt not found!
I guess you can have orphaned *tcz, *dep and *md5.txt files in the /tce/optional folder, but not neccessarily all three for the same extension, so it would be good if you know about all of the possibilities?