dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
sce-update...-r ..option not recognized
I tried using sce-update -r leafpad.......
It finds an update but when I go to download it warns that ...resides on Windows sysytem, try again with -r option!
but I did use the ...-r option...
(The SCE dir does reside on a FAT32 stick)
Jason W:
Did this start with the latest cut recently uploaded?
Sorry, first time I have tried it using dCore on USB stick.
Cut downloaded about one week ago ......5/5/15?
Same behavior with ub-dCore-trusty, version <20150423.
Jason W:
Ok, my hunch is that the -r flag is not getting passed to sce-import. May 14 is the latest release, but should not make a difference with this issue. I will look into it tonight.
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