Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v6.2

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Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Core v6.2:


Changelog for 6.2:
* tce-audit: similar speedup patch from aswjh
* tc-config: nfs4 mount changes from gerald_clark
* tce-load: 2% speedup from aswjh
* tce-size: apply patch from Greg Erskine for no-deps files
* tce-remove, rc.shutdown: update copy2fs name
* tce-ab: convert to a symlink
* tce-load: awk recursion changes changed to a subshell, so exit status needs to be passed
* tce-setup: wait for slow CD drives

In addition, TinyCorePure64-6.2.iso is now legacy-bios/(u)efi multi-boot.

Thanks to team tiny core :)

about patch4,5:
1.values of FROMWHERE can be various, and need to be passed, so output of recursive_scan should be with path.
("-i path1/ext1  path2/ext2" is supported by tce-load in the original)
2."$D" instead of "cd $FROMWHERE", it does avoid to frequently switch between directories.


--- Quote ---("-i path1/ext1  path2/ext2" is supported by tce-load in the original
--- End quote ---

That is certainly not intentional, even if it may work in the current one.

tce-audit fetchmissing is not working.
I updated the vlc extension.
I updated deps.
I rebuilt the database
deps clearly show x264.tcz but fetchmissing does not fetch the missing x264.tce.
I had to manually tce-load -w x254.

Fixed in git, thanks for reporting.


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