dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

few service questions

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well, thanks for the "Yes, you are right" ... most of the people I work with, in the best case they would turn around and say "sorry Im busy now" ;)

Jason W:
Thanks JLS and Onyarian for your help.

dicorer - as has been said, forum searches would reveal much of this stuff.  And my advice would be to then use dCore in the standard recommended manner, or expect breakage. 

As for opera, there is a repo for it, I just imported it:


I might wrong, but most of the questions Im asking, are not available by forum search, and I see even the senior members dont have very clear control of the tool.
But thats not a problem.
Latest issue, it seems me and Onyarian just used dCore in the standard & recommended manner, nevertheless it broke.
But also thats not a problem of course.

Instead, I simply would like to kindly ask you, if you could please answer my previous questions, which got lost:

--- Quote from: Jason W on April 27, 2015, 08:17:12 PM ---you mean to use a Debian Packages file on ub-dCore-trusty or ub-dCore-utopic?

--- End quote ---
I guess, I mean yes, setup sce-import to load the default index DEBIAN file containing all packs dependencies, and dl a DEBIAN pack... is that possible (implemented feature)?

--- Quote from: Jason W on April 27, 2015, 08:17:12 PM ---I would not recommend it

--- End quote ---
Why not?
Smtng nasty with DEBIAN architecture? or what is it?


Jason W:
Debian Wheezy packages are made to work with Wheezy, in terms of library versions and other compatibility.  Same with each Debian and Ubuntu release.

Using packages from Jessie on Wheezy are going to cause problems if they even work at all.  Nothing wrong with the Debian package pool, just needs to stay with the right release.  If you want Debian Jessie packages, simply use dCore-jessie.  You can change the values in /usr/share/doc/tc, but do so at your own risk as things will break.

I imported Opera, and the import session and package worked. Should not matter if it is dCore or ub-dCore, Opera is binary and works with all.

Below works for me:

Create file /opt/debextra/opera

Put the below entry in that file:

http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free

sce-import -n opera

It imports, and loads, and works.

I wish I could reproduce the errors.  I will reboot with ub-dCore-utopic to make sure opera works.

Jason W:
Ok, I see the bug in the ub-dCore-utopic import of opera.  It has nothing to do with Debian versus Ubuntu, but a script bug.  I will check into it.


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