dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
few service questions
debinx.* are autogenerated
--- Code: ---jls@box:~$ ls /opt/debextra
01-libreoffice multiverse security-restricted updates-multiverse
05-niko2040 pidgin-developers security-universe updates-restricted
bodhi restictred ubuntuzilla updates-universe
canonical-partner security-main universe whatsapp-purple
googletalk security-multiverse updates-main
jls@box:~$ cat /opt/debextra/01-libreoffice
http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu trusty main
--- End code ---
right! thank you :)
so, lets say, just for example, I want to sce-import Opera browser, the deb file is exactly here:
How do I set up /opt/debextra/<what?>, debinx.*<what?>, and PKGEXTRAREPODEP ?
U need a repo for debian
forget debinx.* and PKGEXTRAREPODEP
--- Quote ---debinx.* are autogenerated
--- End quote ---
in my case debextra:
--- Code: ---tc@ub-dC-tr-aao:~$ ls /opt/debextra
repo1 repo2 repo3 repo7
tc@ub-dC-tr-aao:~$ cat /opt/debextra/repo1
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty multiverse
tc@ub-dC-tr-aao:~$ cat /opt/debextra/repo7
http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian trusty contrib
--- End code ---
are simple files with a link to ppa or repository
sorry I dont understand.
Where can I find, or how I create a repo for debian, so I can sce-import http://get.geo.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/1216/opera_12.16.1860_i386.deb?
If I have to create a new file , can you create it for me, just for example, pls?
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