Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News
Thanks for your effort. I googled and searched the arch wiki but i did not really find something significant. I arch wiki they mentioned thumbnailer but i'm not sure to which extent. I would really like to use spacefm (may be also its desktop feature). As a pure filemanager application in an essential environment i think xfe would be more efficient and probably also lighter (?).
Btw, i'm not so tinycore familiar, so - with this netbook - i boot with /home /local & /opt in the bootcodes (= persistent i presume; makes my life easier ;) ).
PS. I forgot: After i installed pcmanfm (to check how it deals with the file type icons) i saw it customizes (changes) ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to its own needs automatically. But also with this settings the problem in spacefm rests.
--- Quote from: Rich on January 02, 2016, 04:51:04 PM ---Hi emninger
--- Quote from: emninger on January 02, 2016, 04:42:03 PM ---You were perfectly right; only a small correction: gtk 2 does not like the tilde char as well. ...
--- End quote ---
Well, I was guessing, which is not known for its accuracy. :)
--- End quote ---
Hi Rich.
To close this specific issue, after a test installation of pcmanfm i saw it configures ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to its own needs. And among this, it changed the last line to:
--- Code: ---include .gtkrc-2.0.mine
--- End code ---
This works as well as what you proposed:
--- Code: ---include "/home/tc/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
--- End code ---
Probably the rule is like this: If you're pointing to an entire directory you need the quotes, if you point to a file you only need the file name.
AIUI "gtkrc-2.0.mine" is the file a user may create to place custom configurations
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, after some digging I found that spacefm uses "shared-mime-info" dependency to associate applications, icons etc etc with file types. This assumes you have an icon theme installed like gnome-icon-theme. Why the mime database is not being updated when an icon theme is installed I do not know as yet, however spacefm is so customizable that I found we are not limited to just one method when resolving a missing icon for certain file types issue.
The easiest method I found is simply to create a file " application-x-shellscript.xml " (shell script example) in /home/tc/.local/share/mime/packages with the following contents
--- Code: ---<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<mime-info xmlns='http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info'>
<mime-type type='application/x-shellscript'>
<comment>Shell Script file</comment>
<comment xml:lang="en">Shell Script file</comment>
<icon name="shellscript"/>
--- End code ---
then run " update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime " and/or restart spacefm
You may create an xml file for each file type you wish to add or change within the database, assuming you have an icon theme installed then adjust the name and contents of the file to suite and run update mime database again
good luck
I think we have a solution to the missing icons issue..
I've made considerable changes to the startup script which appears to have resolved issues with the "shared-mime-info dependency"
In the process have also added support for various users set by boot code and left options available to add custom mime associations.
Am testing on tc6.x and tc-7, however If anyone would like to help test the extension please send me a pm, because it's hard to test on only a couple of systems
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