Hey Jesper
I'd be glad to try but at the moment I'm stuck at compiling bluez5 (I didn't try bluez4 yet). First I had the same Errors you got at the beginning of this thread but now I have a "DBUS not found" error and until now I was not able to solve this. Maybe you could upload your compiled packages somewhere or send them to me? (add them to the repo?)
To the Link: My understanding of this is: It's not possible to use bluez4 + alsa without writing an interface to pass the A2DP stream from bluez to Alsa. Thats because you need to disable the Socket option in audio.conf to make the Media DBus API work, wich you need to receive the audio stream from the bluetooth device. But if this works the next step - logically - is to pass this received strem to alsa. To do so you need the alsa pcm plugin and for that you need to enable the Socket option in audi.conf. And because you cannot enable and disable Socket at the same time, it doesn't work - at least not that easily I expected
But If I'd have the compiled packages I would give both solutions a try...
Cheers JJ