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Author Topic: Now that I have this installed,  (Read 11369 times)

Offline TomyTurbos

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Re: Now that I have this installed,
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2019, 08:20:42 PM »
If you read my previous post you'll see that I managed to muddle-through in the meanwhile.
Thanks for your efforts regardless.
Hello Tommy
muddling through this is exactly the reason why I provided more complete method and in true linux fashion for your learning experience.. 


Interestingly enough, your contribution leads to another area where there is room for improvement.  Specifically I mean System Maintenance. Functionality such as this should really be available via Control Panel.  I hope to find that in future releases it is, as it is very fundamental.

Thanks again.

PS: I know there's probably a better place for all my wacky ideas.  I haven't figured out where it is yet, so I just say 'em when I think of 'em and hope they landed close enough to the right spot.