Hi Gents
I manage to get my Marsboard A20 to boot with dCore (uCore) and boots with an awesome speed (fantastic!). This is a microSD card booting.
my boot.scr, uCore, uImage, script.bin files are in fat partition (mmcblk0p1). I created a TCE on mmcblk0p2 by using "tce-setdrive". I managed to import extensions using sce-import. Up to this point it works well.
My issue is when I try to load the extension using "sce-load <package>" I get an error as follows,
mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /tmp/tcloop/<package> failed: no such device
when I do "sce-load <package>" the second time it says "<package> already Installed"
Inside /tmp/tcloop there is a directory with the package name but it is empty
any suggestions?