Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases


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piCore is running on its own kernel, not the Raspbian, therefore modules from GitHub are not compatibles. You can find all piCore modules for armv6 here:


please be so kind and add the net-usb module for this kernel. I'm using the module via user file backup, but hence the tcz extraction takes too long, the module is not extracted in time to be enabled during startup and I need to restart the module manually.

Plans for Raspberry Pi 2 Mod B?

I'm experienced with TinyCore on x86 and now that I own a Raspberry Pi 2 Mod B, I'm curious about piCore on this system... Is there or are there plans to have piCore run on the Raspberry Pi 2 Mod B? Is there an interest in the piCore community? If there are plans, how might someone get involved to help things along?

Thanks in advance


--- Quote from: kmhill on April 21, 2015, 11:26:51 AM ---Plans for Raspberry Pi 2 Mod B?

--- End quote ---

See http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18247.0.html


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