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Author Topic: piCore-6.1alpha4  (Read 14225 times)

Offline jgrulich

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Re: piCore-6.1alpha4
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2015, 10:37:21 AM »
I've spent more than week to try to bring the Wolfson card working in piCore, or Arch Linux.
I don't have any working results. Seems that the modules are too specific to Rasbian.
I've even tried to copy the partial files from the Rasbian, but still "No soundcard".
I was expecting that the Wolfson modules will be included with the new kernel, but nothing yet.
I'll focus on the already supported devices like a PCM5122 based cards, or will make my own card.

Offline jgrulich

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Re: piCore-6.1alpha4
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2015, 07:14:58 AM »
Hence I'd no success with the wolfson card, I've made my own cards. Firs I've tried the basic one without any software control and later I've made the another one which is similar to hifiberry, or iqaudio boards. Everything is working well only with Device-Tree overlay and the sound from the headphones is excellent like from expensive hi-fi device.