Greetings everyone,
I am nearly finished with my redevelopment project to move my application from and old x86 based on T/C v.3.x to the Raspberry Pi with P/C v.6.0.
However, it seems as fast as I am working, the supply of RPi hardware is changing even faster!!!

I started with the RPi Model B about 2 months ago, and now that I am nearly finished, the Model B has become scarce, and where it is available, it has jumped in price to nearly $45US. It looks as if it will go away completely soon. While everything seems to be compatible with the newer Model B+ (which is still priced reasonably) it has forced me to again redesign my enclosure to fit the different layout of the B+ with extra USB ports and different locations for everything else! So now more delays for the newer enclosure. I deploy these devices into an industrial environment and need specialized enclosures.
If that weren't enough trouble, the newest Model B2 was released during the time I was in development. It also has the same footprint as the Model B+ but my current PiCore v.6.0 will not boot on the newest B2 model (probably due to the new processor).
I want to be able to release a package that will be supportable for more than just a few months, but I am very concerned that the Model B+ may also go the way of the older Model B and I will be stuck with the newest B2 as replacement hardware.
Ultimately, I am wondering if there will ALWAYS be 2 separate versions of the PiCore for the B+ and B2 hardware or if they will ever become a single package? I am just very frustrated by trying to develop to a moving target.
I know it seems like it shouldn't be that bad, but when your application is bundled with the operating system and is designed to be automatically downloaded and installed by folks with no knowledge of software (like my factory floor workers). It needs to be as simple as "click here to install". This presents many problems to have 2 completely different versions for hardware that (to the end user) looks identical.
Pardon my rant... I guess the frustration got the better of me.
I guess the real question here is going to be... "Can a version of PiCore me made that will boot on the newest model B2 and still be downward compatible to also boot on the model B+?" (or the other way around to boot an the B+ and be to be upward compatible to the B2)
If not, then I might need to abandon the RPi and look for some other stable hardware. It would be a shame to abandon this, but as of now I cannot count on my package to be usable into the future with this many incompatibilities.
Any advice? anyone?