Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases

piCore-6.1alpha4 for RPi2

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Sorry for the late response; I have not been online for quite some time.

@Curaga: D-Sub in electronics is generally any "D" shaped sub (power) connector.  However you're right, today many people refer to D-Sub in the computer industry as the VGA based connection.  "Molex" based on the old definitions is nothing more than mulched (recycled) plastic, usually black in color (as raw black plastic shards are melted in with the mulch to give it a more uniform color) and have been used for virtually every kind of connector there's been in the past few decades (IDE, SCSI, ISA, etc.) and wouldn't surprise me if hard drive power connectors applies as well.  The easiest way to tell is by the color; white is not usually an easy color to get from recycled plastics (when attempted it tends to be an off-white, "dingy" color.)  As such, sorry for my old-school definitions.  I'm not entirely sure whether or not Molex Inc. was the "founder" of the mulch in question, but the name has stuck for a long time, so it's quite possible.

@sodface: Thank you for the note!  I'm not accustomed for many on-board NICs to be auto-detecting/switching so this is terrific news!

@bmarkus: The Pi2 has me thinking in different areas from embedded to end-user.  I've ordered parts from across the globe, so we're just waiting for the ship to come in! :)  Regarding contributions, consider it underway as soon as the rest of the parts come in.  My test bench is 14 Pi2 boards (2 masters with 20x4 LCD, 12 slaves which are powered by a relay board, 3x 20A power supply modules, etc.  I'll post pics once she's up and running completely.)

Web browser: Fox, Chrome, etc. are all a bit too "overweight" for my preferences as it is, even on x86/64 machines, so I'll be looking into a more practical approach focused mostly on HTML and possibly JS.  I was considering building a "control panel" that was web based (bb-http as the foundation) so something that was able to handle base HTML and possibly JS would be a nice direction to take.

Does the kernel support I2C in slave mode by chance? (ie: having a Pi answer AS a slave device itself?)  I was curious as to whether or not I could get better speeds for cross-talk between the master/slave units through GPIO as opposed to using the NICs.

Thanks again everyone!

@bmarkus: Béla, if you have a device handy, please plug in something I2C related (sensor, LCD, etc.) and tell me if your Pi2 is detecting the device(s)?

PiCore: Alpha4-X
Added: dtparam=i2c=on dtparam=i2c1=on to cmdline (thinking i2c=on is 1B or older)
Installed i2c-dev and tools
(modprobe shows OK with i2c-dev)

/dev/i2* shows empty
i2cdetect -y 1 (and zero) show nothing found for /dev/i2c*
tried another unit (20x4 LCD with i2c interface from Sainsmart) with the same results.

At the moment no I2C device in hand.

I'm using the RTC device on the I2C bus and I need to use
--- Code: (bash) ---dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,pcf8563
--- End code ---
, or manually set the address
--- Code: (bash) ---echo pcf8563 0x51 > sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/new_device
--- End code ---
. Othervise the device is not identified.

Just tested:

--- Code: (bash) ---dtparam=i2c=on
--- End code ---
added into the config.txt, NOT to the cmdline.txt. Read carefully the README in the overlays folder of the SD card.

--- Code: (bash) ---sudo modprobe i2c-dev
--- End code ---

--- Code: (bash) ---sudo i2cdetect -y 1
--- End code ---
and it works and detects the device on the address 0x51h.


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