Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore-6.1alpha4 for RPi2
--- Quote from: jncl on March 16, 2015, 01:56:00 PM --- I'm trying to build some packages but am unable to find either a linux-3.18.y_api_headers or linux-3.18.y_v7_api_headers package anywhere, can you please create them or let me know how I can do so please.
--- End quote ---
linux-3.18.y_api_headers.tcz added to armv6/armv7 repo
Picked up a dozen 2B's Friday; just now setting up a dedicated switch and 30A power supply; will test TC6-Pi2 accordingly and note any anomalies if found.
A couple quick questions if you don't mind based on anyone's experiences with Pi:
1) Are there any known side-effects using Pin 2 (5vcc) instead of the uUSB connector for power? (fused, of course.)
2) Are there any known limitations to uSD card sizes and/or class/speed (I have a couple dozen 2GB Class4 chips I'd like to re-purpose for these.)
3) Do you have an online wiki page for remastering Pi images?
4) Is Python embedded into the image (assuming not) and/or a TCZ ready for it?
5) Is there any way to disable the rainbow (I tried booting piCore6 but never got past the rainbow screen to see any kernel messages, etc.)
6) Is the Pi2 kernel being set up as 64-bit or 32? What about the extensions?
Thanks, Béla, for keeping up with the trend (new hardware releases) and I truly hope TC flies with this new board... so, so many things become possible with a quad/1GB, we'll see how they perform!
1) Pin 2 of which connector?
2) Class 4 is ok for generic use aswell as 2GB. There are certion cards are not recognized by the RPi firmware. It has not related to size, vendor, ... I have seen issues with uSD card adapters also. Try your cards. If they are booting, use them.
3) Check the -SSH and -X images with a second mmcblk0p2 partion with preinstalled tcz's in /tce and a preconfigured backup file.
4) python.tcz is in the repo.
5) Do not understand. Are you saying that your Pi doesn't boot at all and you get only the coloured screen?
6) Pi2 CPU is 32-bit. Pi (armv6) extensions work fine with Pi2 (armv7).
Back again to piCore:
I have just downloaded and installed http://www.tinycorelinux.net/6.x/armv7/test_releases/RPi2/ on my new Pi2. Ok so far.
But I have forgotten many things in the meantime. So sorry for dumb questions.
As I like to compile I'm searching for compile-essentials.tcz and other stuff from repo
Obviously tce does not show me such packages.
How to get the system up and running for such tasks?
PS: I noted that ldd seems not to work correctly.
Sorry, I have found compile-essentials. It's there.
But ldd is not working correctly.
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