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Author Topic: Wiki Dynamic Filesystem Remastering  (Read 2313 times)

Offline patrikg

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Wiki Dynamic Filesystem Remastering
« on: January 29, 2015, 04:49:49 AM »
In the wiki there are some lines missing how to remastering the filesystem.

I am not the correct guy to correct this, but i am learning on my own steps to do this correct.

This is what I do at the moment to make my own file.

Code: (bash) [Select]
sudo su
mkdir tc
mount -o loop TinyCore-current.iso tc
mkdir my_root
mkdir -p my_root/opt/tce/optional

Get your own packages and dep.
with the bash shell script.

Copy the X11 base files into to my_root dir.
cp tc/cde/optional/*.tcz my_root/opt/tce/optional/
cp tc/cde/optional/*.md5.txt my_root/opt/tce/optional/

(cd my_root/opt/tce/optional/ && ls -1 *.tcz) > my_root/opt/tce/onboot.lst
chown -R 1001:50 my_root
cd my_root && find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip -9 > ../my_initramfs.gz
cd ..

copy your file to corect place.
cp my_initramfs.gz <your cd/dvd/hd/iso/tftp/ftp/www server>
rm -rf my_root my_initramfs.gz

Log out as root.