Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x

oo2 extension

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Since when is anything requiring Gnome lightweight? :D

If one gathered a similar suite for Gnome, abiword, gnumeric, etc, it would probably be larger in size.

/ end rant about ever-growing gnome

More diversity is always good. I do support making these available separately of each other. Is the Siag suite good? That could be made too.


--- Quote ---Gnumeric can be built without Gnome, yielding a GTK-only application.
--- End quote ---


good to know, i thought it was gnamed after gnu. siag is nice and light, but both siag and gnumeric have trouble with really really large spreadsheets, like ones that have a ridiculous number of lines. for "everyday use" both are fine, unless "everyday use" is for a large enough business.

then you'll really need oo calc. at least you won't need steve ballmer office. (which is good, because he'd throw the office furniture at you.) oh and abiword can also be built without gnome.

I have experience in building abiword; I can only assume gnumeric is similar. If Abiword is built without the gnome libs, significant functionality is missing: printing. That includes even making a postscript file to be printed later. There might be something else also, but that is one big point to many people.

i am sorry to hear that, i'm no more a fan of gnome than you are.

I thought Gnumeric was light until I tried to build it :D. It sure loads a lot faster, however,
than OO, which is why I use it for most spreadsheets. I don't know what large is, but a database with a thousand rows, 25 columns loads in under 2 seconds. SCALC3 takes about 15 seconds to load the same file.  (on a Dell C610 laptop).


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