Thanks Curaga for realizing the need to keep a "pre-0.12 " version around. It's a shame that KQEMU has been "retired" by the developers.
I don't want to appear ungrateful, but AFAIK the last KQEMU compatible version was 0.11.1. Even for the 0.10.x version the one in the repository (0.10.2) is not quite the latest (i.e. 0.10.6 IIRC). Do you see a chance at some stage to update to that version, or are there particular reasons to stick with 0.10.2?
Furthermore, I was wondering if it would be feasible to split (both ?) QEMU extensions into a "base" and an "extra" extension. The former would just contain the Intel-related executables, whilst the latter all the executables for the other CPUs. I believe the "base" extension would end up in the order of ca. 2 MBytes, which is a fair bit smaller for what I'd imagine users might use most of the time.