Creating symlinks in /usr/lib/ for and solves those issues.
Probably not the best solution,however, I have:
/usr/lib/ -> /usr/local/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /usr/local/lib/
The problem I seem to be running into now, is with scanimage. If I plug the scanner in, run "scanimage -L" it shows me scanner. When I run the same command again, it tells me nothing can be found. It seems that the scanner can only be queried/used/scanned the very first time. I am capable of scanning with xsane as well. however if must be the query/use/scan the scanner, then if I close xsane and try to re-open it, it tells me that no device can be found. If I unplug then plug the scanner back in, this process restarts.
- I have added the epjitsu.conf
- I have added the .nal that the scanner is looking for
Any ideas?