After a while I used piCore 6.0 on a 2GB uSD card with a RaspberryPI B and a B+. It boots ok and I have WLAN running. Since I miss my favorite FM pcmanfm I installed Thunar. It installed, showed the yellow space but no icon in wbar. The wbar button inside control panel is "dead" and not clickable.
I am not able to start Thunar from command line nor from the right-click menue on the desktop. Then I installed the newly added midori web browser. Here I have an icon but no start possible.
1) I downloaded my piCore 6.0 image around Feb 8, 2015 - which image should I use? Was this image ever updated?
2) Would it be better if I switch to 6.1 beta?
3) When do we see the final 6.1 version? (estimation)
4) Should I try pcmanfm from 5.X repo?
Thank you all for answering and helping me.