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Author Topic: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency  (Read 4376 times)

Offline nitram

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tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:34:31 AM »
Minor issue but just wanted to report inconsistent performance when pressing the Apps button in Apps browser.

Button width is wider than the word 'Apps' and pressing to the right of the word Apps does not activate the button. This appears inconsistent with the other buttons, such as Search or OnBoot, where the entire widths of these buttons can be clicked to activate.

Minor as mentioned, but the lack of response when attempting to click the right side of the Apps button makes the user think the system is unresponsive or that the button is locked-out.

Offline nitram

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 03:14:03 AM »
Should clarify that the Apps button stretches when the Apps window is widened to read the associated info file.

Also, narrowing the Apps window causes the Apps button to shrink smaller than the Apps button label.

Query whether this bug would be less relevant if the information in the right side Info text box word-wrapped with longer sentences, the primary reason for widening the Apps window in the first place.

Offline curaga

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 04:26:42 AM »
That's standard behavior for menus (it is a menu, not a button).

For example notepad:

If you click to the right of "help", nothing will happen.
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Offline Misalf

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 07:37:52 AM »
Maybe something like this would make sense?

Also, narrowing the Apps window causes the Apps button to shrink smaller than the Apps button label.
Yes, but who would do that? q:
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Offline nitram

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps dropdown menu inconsistent
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 06:49:09 PM »
curaga wrote:
That's standard behavior for menus (it is a menu, not a button).
Sorry - subject title changed to reflect Apps dropdown menu, not button.

Agree it's standard behaviour but most dropdowns don't 'paint', for lack of knowing the correct term, what appears to be a clickable 'button' around the dropdown, which varies in width as the Apps window is shrunk and stretched.

curaga wrote:
If you click to the right of "help", nothing will happen.
Similar to above, in your example i would not expect anything to happen when i click to the right of help, as there is no 'button' drawn in around the word help that extends over to the right side of the dropdown.

Misalf i like what you did with the look of Apps but for me the existing GUI appears more streamlined. I do like that you removed the 'button' around the Apps dropdown, however, which would solve the confusion of the unclickable stretched 'button'.

Misalf wrote:
Yes, but who would do that?
I did :) ...and i'm not really unique in any way. A new user just getting used to the system, playing around would consider the dropdown appearance and behaviour unpolished. On my small netbook, i sometimes shrink windows to tile several items and often stretch full width because of the small screen. On my old desktop, with 19" crt monitor and poor intel graphics, Vesa maxes out at 800x600 resolution. Shrinking the Apps window <2/3 screen width already makes the Apps dropdown appear funky and stretching >3/4 screen width creates the unclickable stretched Apps 'button' effect.

Just as a side note to justify this bug report, the OnBoot/OnDemand dropdown menu does not exhibit the same unclickable 'button' behaviour. If i stretch the Apps window full screen, both the Apps and OnBoot menu 'buttons' stretch in appearance, yet the OnBoot dropdown 'button' is selectable along it's entire width but not the Apps dropdown. This is inconsistent behaviour and as noted in my first post, makes the user think the system is unresponsive or that the Apps 'button' is locked-out.

Additional thoughts:
- Maybe the Apps window should have a set minimum width so users don't inadvertently shrink it far enough for the dropdowns to appear silly (similar to Firefox's bookmark side bar minimum set width).
- It would be nice if the Info tab text box could be word wrapped or maybe even have a wordwrap toggle, some obvious hard to read:

Offline nitram

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2015, 12:33:54 AM »
nitram wrote:
- It would be nice if the Info tab text box could be word wrapped or maybe even have a wordwrap toggle, some obvious hard to read:
Please disregard, tried Apps on my higher resolution 1024x576 netbook and the information in the Info text boxes looked great. It's just an issue on my 800x600 desktop, but i doubt many people still utilize such a low resolution.

All of my comments above regarding the unclickable Apps button still apply, however. Really in a nutshell i'm just thinking the Apps button should have the same up/down arrow dropdown appearance and functionality as both the Search and OnBoot drop downs so they behave consistently.


Offline curaga

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2015, 03:48:15 AM »
The OnBoot one is a dropdown widget, which has different appearance, but also doesn't support submenus, so using it for the main menu won't work. For the minimum size, one was already added a bit before your post :)

edit: Apps resizes a bit more nicely now.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 04:11:39 AM by curaga »
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Offline nitram

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2015, 11:09:55 AM »
Widgets and submenus are beyond me but thanks for taking a look at it. Thanks for the minimum size limit and better appearance of the Apps menu.

Off topic: I was using Apps maintenance this morning to modify my OnBoot.lst and it wouldn't let me add/remove items. So i closed Apps and reopened via sudo and then this allowed me to modify OnBoot as desired. Should there be some sort of notification (ie. please restart Apps as root user) or sudo toggle (similar to fluff) to maintain OnBoot and other items that require sudo? Otherwise it seems kinda broken, selecting an item and clicking add item without a response.

Also noticed that the Search and OnBoot dropdown menu boxes and arrows appear different when running Apps as sudo vs not. Just an observation.

Thanks - marty

Offline Misalf

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2015, 12:28:16 PM »
Check file permissions of  /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst .
Mine is
Code: [Select]
-rw-rw-r--     tc       staff

sudo  uses  /root/.Xdefaults  instead of  /home/tc/.Xdefaults  so different settings are used.
Code: [Select]
fltk*scheme: gtk+
!fltk*scheme: plastic
!fltk*scheme: gleam
fltk*visibleFocus: true
fltk*background: #D4D0C8
fltk*foreground: #080808
fltk*font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-120-72-72-c-60-iso8859-15
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Offline nitram

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2015, 01:01:06 PM »
For some reason my onboot.lst permissions were r-rw-r. Don't know how that happened. Made the change and Apps > Maintenance > OnBoot Maintenance now works properly. Thanks Misalf.

Offline coreplayer2

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Re: tc-6 Apps browser Apps button inconsistency
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2015, 12:20:13 AM »
Minor issue but just wanted to report inconsistent performance when pressing the Apps button in Apps browser.

Button width is wider than the word 'Apps' and pressing to the right of the word Apps does not activate the button. This appears inconsistent with the other buttons, such as Search or OnBoot, where the entire widths of these buttons can be clicked to activate.

Minor as mentioned, but the lack of response when attempting to click the right side of the Apps button makes the user think the system is unresponsive or that the button is locked-out.

Seems more intuitive to select on the word "Apps" rather than  the button..