curaga wrote:
That's standard behavior for menus (it is a menu, not a button).
Sorry - subject title changed to reflect Apps dropdown menu, not button.
Agree it's standard behaviour but most dropdowns don't 'paint', for lack of knowing the correct term, what appears to be a clickable 'button' around the dropdown, which varies in width as the Apps window is shrunk and stretched.
curaga wrote:
If you click to the right of "help", nothing will happen.
Similar to above, in your example i would not expect anything to happen when i click to the right of help, as there is no 'button' drawn in around the word help that extends over to the right side of the dropdown.
Misalf i like what you did with the look of Apps but for me the existing GUI appears more streamlined. I do like that you removed the 'button' around the Apps dropdown, however, which would solve the confusion of the unclickable stretched 'button'.
Misalf wrote:
Yes, but who would do that?
I did

...and i'm not really unique in any way. A new user just getting used to the system, playing around would consider the dropdown appearance and behaviour unpolished. On my small netbook, i sometimes shrink windows to tile several items and often stretch full width because of the small screen. On my old desktop, with 19" crt monitor and poor intel graphics, Vesa maxes out at 800x600 resolution. Shrinking the Apps window <2/3 screen width already makes the Apps dropdown appear funky and stretching >3/4 screen width creates the unclickable stretched Apps 'button' effect.
Just as a side note to justify this bug report, the OnBoot/OnDemand dropdown menu does not exhibit the same unclickable 'button' behaviour. If i stretch the Apps window full screen, both the Apps and OnBoot menu 'buttons' stretch in appearance, yet the OnBoot dropdown 'button' is selectable along it's entire width but not the Apps dropdown. This is inconsistent behaviour and as noted in my first post, makes the user think the system is unresponsive or that the Apps 'button' is locked-out.
Additional thoughts:
- Maybe the Apps window should have a set minimum width so users don't inadvertently shrink it far enough for the dropdowns to appear silly (similar to Firefox's bookmark side bar minimum set width).
- It would be nice if the Info tab text box could be word wrapped or maybe even have a wordwrap toggle, some obvious hard to read: