Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v6.0
updated gparted posted
Hi, i made serval patchs again, please see if they can be used.
1. tce-audit: faster builddb.
2. tce-load: change "wget" to "busybox wget".
3. search.sh: matching dont start only from the first charactor.if the value of seach field is null, display all extensions.
4. apps.fl/apps.cxx: add quotes to args of command.still search if the value of seach field is null and pressed enter.
suggestions about apps:
1. default to list local extensions, and can search locally.
2. right-button menu or double-click to load/download/list?
--- Quote from: aswjh on January 13, 2015, 09:56:55 PM ---2. tce-load: change "wget" to "busybox wget".
--- End quote ---
With my G3 connection I sometimes have better results using GNU wget instead of busybox'.
--- Quote from: aswjh on January 13, 2015, 09:56:55 PM ---suggestions about apps:
1. default to list local extensions, and can search locally.
2. right-button menu or double-click to load/download/list?
--- End quote ---
Also might come in handy to download and view *.tcz.info files from within Apps gui.
I've applied parts of the tce-load and apps patches (the unused depi variable, quoting search.sh arguments), thanks. I agree that an empty search should do the same as reloading the list with the "remote" menu item, but it should be done directly, passing nothing to search.sh and parsing tags.db for nothing is pointless extra work.
The tce-audit patch requires more testing than I can do right now, will take a look later. For wget, was there some issue with GNU wget?
--- Quote from: curaga on January 14, 2015, 07:07:07 AM --- For wget, was there some issue with GNU wget?
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If server is unavailable, GNU wget will wait for a long time, and retry 3 times in case of default.
--- Quote from: curaga on January 14, 2015, 07:07:07 AM ---I agree that an empty search should do the same as reloading the list with the "remote" menu item, but it should be done directly, passing nothing to search.sh and parsing tags.db for nothing is pointless extra work.
--- End quote ---
You are right.Just because it is easier to implement that way for me.
In addition, I think the keyword can be matched at the begining, the end, or anywhere in target string, but the original way didn't.
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