General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial

Firefox - Extension to install the latest version

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firefox_getLatest.tcz should have "browser" in key section. When I want to check how many web browsers TC have in appbrowser, theres no firefox. Some new users may not know that firefox is possible with this extension.


--- Quote from: neonix on June 10, 2023, 09:25:31 AM ---firefox_getLatest.tcz should have "browser" in key section. When I want to check how many web browsers TC have in appbrowser, theres no firefox. Some new users may not know that firefox is possible with this extension.

--- End quote ---

Sounds like a good idea.

Perhaps one of the TC extension repo admins would like to change tags "firefox get latest" to "firefox get latest web browser" in for x86 and x86_64?

For the record, in the latest update to Firefox_getLatest.tcz I added "browser" to the tags as requested.

Inspired by this thread (as apparantly nobody else was), I added support in the script for verifying the OpenPGP signature of the Firefox download to make sure that it was the file released by Mozilla and not one substituted by someone who has hacked into a CDN server or the internet connection.

To do this, you first have to manually save the latest key published on the Mozilla Blog to "/tmp/mozkey", then run:

--- Code: ---gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ~/DOTgnupg/trustedkeys.kbx --import /tmp/mozkey

--- End code ---
(replace "DOT" with a ".", the forum gave me server errors)

The "gpg" command is in the gnupg.tcz extension on x86_64. Just to confuse things, on x86 it's installed by gnupg.tcz as "gpg2", so use that instead of "gpg".

Now the "-g" option to should check the signature and show an error if it doesn't match the downloaded file before it's installed.

The key is changed every two years, after which you have to add the new one.


--- Quote ---Manual: -m  (manually enter version)
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---tr*) l=tr ;;      #Turkish
--- End quote ---

You still haven't answered how to install this!?

how to do it!?

Where are the update notes!?

--- Quote ---#!/bin/sh
#author coreplayer2
#Minor changes by CNK
# version 2.10
#JUL 6 2023

# firefox_getLatest is a script to
# download and install the latest
# version of Firefox with locale
# support
# May be run with options, eg:
# -h
# -m
--- End quote ---


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