// Thank you nitram for your interesting view...
Get that a lot

//I'm convinced that majority of new tc users are not entirely familiar with onboot or ondemand usage and simply expect a downloaded application to be installed and loaded on every boot.
If you're convinced then good enough, just keep as is.
My view is different:
- New users will not likely use your script and will simply install firefox-ESR via Apps
- By the time they use your script, the user will understand the difference between OnBoot and OnDemand
- You're only a new user once for a brief period of time, the script will be used regularly (Firefox release cycle) and they might appreciate the option
//...most new users are confused when recent changes to their system are not replicated on each and every reboot, clearly this is evident when they haven't grasped the application of persistence.
OnBoot, OnDemand and persistence are clearly documented (eg wiki, Core book).
It's not your fault if users don't read documentation.
The script could be adjusted to read something like:
Which version? enter_version_#
Install (1) OnBoot or (2) OnDemand, inexpereienced users please enter 1 (OnBoot): enter_1_or_2
//How many new tc users are even aware an tce-load cli option exists...??
As above, it's clearly documented.
Apps browser 'OnBoot' is clearly a choicebox dropdown.
// I'm a believer of the "What's right, not who's right concept" so what's the right thing to do here to respect new users and experienced users alike..?
Give users a choice, everyone will benefit.
If the OnBoot 'default' is clearly described and OnDemand is an option, why not?
// perhaps a Poll??
- Might not be fair, new users won't likely vote
- Can't see why experienced users wouldn't appreciate the option
- Don't believe this forum supports polls
Stimulating chat. As before, it's your script so however you think is best is the way to go. I appreciate it takes a lot of work to make even minor changes to a script in regards to coding, testing and distributing. Maybe just a non-committed 'to do' review for later?