Yes, I think the absence of an Xorg-7.7-lib-dev package is the problem.
I have submitted an Xorg-7.7-lib-dev package to remedy this situation. It contains the dev versions of Xorg-7.7-lib, plus xbitmaps, util-macros, xorg-proto and xtrans, which exist in the 32-bit versions of Xorg-dev. This should provide a sufficient build environment for applications requiring Xorg libraries, but not Xorg itself.
As to the dependencies for gtk2, these could be modified to be: atk, pango, gdk-pixbuf2, shared-mime-info, libXcursor, libXcomposite, libXinerama, libXi, and libXrandr.
gtk2-dev works for me with gtk2 plus the dev versions of those deps.
cairo-dev is working for me with cairo, glib2-dev, fontconfig-dev, pixman-dev, lipng-dev, libEGL-dev, libGESv2-dev, and Xorg-7.7-lib-dev (as described above)
gtk1-dev works with gtk1, glib1-dev, and Xorg-7.7-lib-dev (as described).