dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Release Candidates


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Jason W:
Thanks, I will look into it today.

Jason W:
Ok, I see some issues with the md5 file creating, I will work on it and test.

Jason W:
A simple fix seemed to kill two birds with one stone.  I am confident enough to upload another release candidate cut.  The following x86 release candidate dCore's have been updated with the fix.


Jason W:
I have just added a more reliable checking of startup script md5sums and also added checking of -data.tar.gz extra file updates.  This way, anything at all updated with the package - Debian package, startup script, data.tar.gz files - will call for the package to be updated with a run of updatesce. 

Hold off on testing the last cut and I will upload this sometime tomorrow.

Jason W:
Many changes and bugfixes to the updatesce routine.  Now, if a package has a new or changed startup script it is listed as an available update.  And if a new data.tar.gz file is added or the existing one is updated then the package is also listed to be updated.  And if there is a new prebuilt or Debian dependency added to a package or the existing ones have been updated, then that package is also listed for update.

EDIT:  I had updated alsa-utils.deb2sce and firefox-data.tar.gz for testing purposes, those should appear as updates for any SCEs containing them the first time you run updatesce.

This completes the updatesce concept, and now to find the bugs.  The following dCore x86 ports have a new cut in release candidates.



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