dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Release Candidates


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hi jason,

the first impressions and heavy testing proved the working updatesce-process :)

good cut, thank you for your work and commitment :)

Jason W:
Some new changes have been uploaded:

SCEs are moved from update during shutdown, for a faster boot.

SCEs are updated in a reverse tree method for better dependency integrity.  Also SCEs in the update directory are used if there during import and update when determining package contents and md5 data.

Jason W:
Uploaded a bug fix, changing contents of sce.dep files wheither manually or by re-importing using the -d option will now cause SCEs that depend on the one with the changed .dep file to report needing an update when updatesce is run.

Simply importing the SCEs that depend on the changed one already accounts for any missing or changed entries in dep files.

hi jason,

last cut with "update -c -a" reports for my config:

> Do you want to review the list of packages that have updates available?
> Enter y to view and q to exit reading the package list. (y/N): y

but then no updates are available in the package list!

this is no serious bug, but probably you want to be informed?

thank you for your work.

hi jason,

the last cut starts with "updatesce -a" something like an update-loop :(

i guess that for all packages the dependencies are updated again and again.

thank you for your work and patience.


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