Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases

piCore 6.0 Beta355

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After having issues with latest 3.17.y/3.18.y and few other lines of kernels we decided to stay with the official longterm kernel, 3.12.y

Beta355 is the first cut with such kernel. Please try, specially WiFi and audio and report your findings. Download link:


This is a beta level cut. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.

Since this is an beta cut, although the team has worked through several preview cuts, we ask that only experienced users test. This cut is not for production use. The features in any beta may change before a public release candidate is available.

Note that the fltk library has been updated to 1.3.3 to enable unicode. fltk-1.1 and 1.3 can be installed at the same time, and old apps using 1.1 will continue to work.

We appreciate testing and feedback.

Changelog for 6.0 Beta355:

* kernel updated to 3.12.35

Changelog for 6.0 Beta200:

* kernel updated to 3.14.23

Changelog for 6.0 Beta100:

* kernel updated to 3.18.0

Changelog for 6.0 Beta2:

* kernel updated to 3.17.4
* RPi firmware updated to December 3 release
* serial terminal now started by default
* preinstalled components updated

Changelog for 6.0 Beta1:

* kernel updated to 3.17.3
* glibc updated to 2.20
* gcc updated to 4.9.2
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.42.12
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.25.2

Why the size of the filesystem is so large?
It's nearly double compared to previous ones.

Size of the base system did not change nor the SSH release. In case of X release there are some more extensions installed due to few updated apps with new dependencies like freetype. It is just beta. Anyhow they will be reviewed before RC1.

Main goal of this beta is to verify kernel and base, extensions are out of scope.

I've found one issue in the governor which is set to "powersave" by the core during startup and I'm not able to switch it to "performance" as it was before. The only way is to "force_turbo", which is not the best and very safe way.

Check /sys/devices/sytem/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq

Both the minimum and maximum allowed clock is 700MHz, as well as scaling range is 700-700MHz which means that doesn't matter which governor is active, CPU always runs on 700 MHz, therefore powersave=performance


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