Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases

piCore 6.0 Beta200

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cmus is working well now.

 Good job.  :)


--- Quote from: jgrulich on December 22, 2014, 02:37:11 AM ---Hi Béla,

--- Quote from: bmarkus on December 21, 2014, 04:47:04 PM ---Which function is slow? Please provide details.

--- End quote ---

Overall respond speed is slow. Seems that the communication is somehow delayed. When I enter, or click the command, there is no response for several seconds. After another command enter the delay is again and again. The delay is even for more than 10 seconds. Means to install something which takes 1 minute in 5.3.1 distro, in 6.0 takes more than 5 minutes.

--- End quote ---

I can't reproduce this, on my system it works fast as expected. Can you check is it a generic network issue or reletad just to apps?

Are you using wired or wireless connection?

Which repo is used? Default repo.tinycorelinux.net must be ok from your location.

What is the ping time to your router and other sites?

Is your system date and time correct?

Using RPi B+ with piCore 6.0 Beta 200-X. I can't load mirror.tcz. Every time I format the sd card and put piCore back on it it says the mirror.tcs file is invalid to load. I had tried to manually load it as well and same result.

I just checked the contents of /opt/tcemirror and it only has the repo.tinycorelinux.net url. I even created the directory /opt/localmirrors as the ApBrowser said to do that but it didn't help.

I can ping multiple internet sites and my own network computers but am unable to access the internet via anything but the terminal. The ApBrowser can't access the internet and it's probably because it can't load the mirror tcz.

I'm frustarted as it looks like piCore would be an excellent OS for my Pi but even with the older non-release candidates (the stable version) I had this problem. Hence the reason I tried this one.

I had to reformat my sd cards via my dad's Windows 7 PC as I think my Macbook Pro is corrupting them even when using a very old USB SD Card reader with an adapter. But I re-downloaded this OS on my dad's Win7 laptop and installed it to the card using Win32DiskImager that was recommended via raspberrypi.org. So I'm not sure how to help here other than let you know that for whatever reason the mirror.tcz file is either corrupt in the OS image itself or something is odd about my setup that is causing this issue. Please let me know if you know what the problem is and if I can fix it. Thank you.


--- Quote from: bdtc on December 23, 2014, 05:57:11 PM ---Using RPi B+ with piCore 6.0 Beta 200-X. I can't load mirror.tcz. Every time I format the sd card and put piCore back on it it says the mirror.tcs file is invalid to load. I had tried to manually load it as well and same result.

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Did you expand the file system as it is written in README file?


--- Quote from: bmarkus on December 23, 2014, 08:51:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: bdtc on December 23, 2014, 05:57:11 PM ---Using RPi B+ with piCore 6.0 Beta 200-X. I can't load mirror.tcz. Every time I format the sd card and put piCore back on it it says the mirror.tcs file is invalid to load. I had tried to manually load it as well and same result.

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Did you expand the file system as it is written in README file?

--- End quote ---

Nope. I didn't read that section because the fist part of that section states: "Base system, piCore-5.x has only the first partitions;"

I'll try expanding it when I get back to working on my Pi. It's not easy for me to be able to read what is on my TV since the text is so small compared to the size of the TV, so it's inconvenient to have to work with it that way. I have no other way to view X other than trying to figure out how some people use their current laptop or android tablet screens as the monitor. And I'm annoyed with running X in VNC on my laptop but I can't even do that with piCore yet. If ever. I haven't even tried to see if SSH is working yet.

I really like piCore so far, except the part that I can't install anything. It's super fast but I would want to install it permanently to an SD card so that my RAM is free for regular RAM-based tasks. It's only got 512MB ram.  Thanks.


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