dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Extra Repositories



Jason W:
Libdvdcss2 can be imported by using the following entries in a /opt/debextra file.  Tested on ub-dCore-trusty and works nicely with mplayer.   I name my mirror file  /opt/debextra/libdvdcss2, and the contents are listed below based on which dCore I am using.

For dCore-trusty:

http://download.videolan.org/debian trusty

For ub-dCore-saucy:

http://download.videolan.org/debian saucy

For dCore-jessie:

http://download.videolan.org/debian stable

For dCore-wheezy:

http://download.videolan.org/debian stable

In time, stable will be built on Jessie and a wheezy entry may be made.  Until then, stable should work for both Jessie and Wheezy.

Jason W:
As libdvdcss2 is a simple library depending on libc6 and libgcc with no dCore repo specific dependencies, the build for Ubuntu Raring has been tested now to work with dCore-wheezy and dCore-zesty, the oldest and newest of the dCores.  And should work with the dCore ports in between.  Below is the /opt/debextra entry:

http://download.videolan.org/pub/debian raring


For the latest version add the following to...
/opt/debextra/01 file

http://deb-multimedia.org/ jessie-backports main
http://deb-multimedia.org/ stretch main

Jason W:

The above site has a libdvdcss2 that works with all dCore x86 and x86_64 ports.  Tested on dCore-wheezy, dCore-bionic, and dCore-bionic64.  dCore-wheezy needs the wget and ca-certificates packages loaded for https extra repos to work, all other dCore x86 and x86_64 ports work with Busybox wget.  The below entry is what is put in an extra repo file in /opt/debextra:

https://download.videolan.org/pub/debian/stable/ /


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