General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Having a bit of an issue remastering with perl startup script
I've done a large amount of google fu work, looked on here, and obviously follow this guide:
here's my (I know I don't have to indirectly call perl, but doing this so I can add bash system commands later)
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
# put other system startup commands here
--- End code ---
here's ( a couple of scrubbed items)
--- Code: ---#************************
# Written by Shades
# Description: This script simply pops open a firefox window for whitelisting, and
# once they close firefox, it will reboot them.
# This Script is built in such a way that it doesn't require any libraries to be
brought in.
# Input / Output: None\
# Usage: Startup script to be put in rc.local, etc. on boot start.
# Version: 0.2.1
# Grab libraries needed that are included in base OS
use strict;
# Declare variables and set initial values
my $mac = `cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address` or die("Not a valid Linux system!");
# Grab the mac from the mac file
my $url = 'https://internalwebsite/?mac=' . $mac;
my $statuslength = 10;
my $status = '';
my $verbose = 0; # Set to 1 if you want verbosity for troubleshooting
# Open Firefox and detect when it's done
system("firefox $url &") or die("Erroring running firefox command!");
# Commenting out the below until testing proves above will not move forward unti
l completed.
# Will be deperacated in version 0.3.0
#while ($statuslength > 2) {
# $status = `ps -eflno | grep -i firefox | grep -vi "grep"`;
# $statuslength = length($status); # Grab length of response, should be 1
if close for \n
# if ($verbose = 1) {
# # Output the verbose features here for this routine.
# print "Length of ps return: " . $statuslength;
# print "ps response: " . $status;
# }
# sleep 3; # To try and save on some memory / processing by sleeping for 3
# Reboot system (into PXE?)
system("sudo reboot");
--- End code ---
My issue is it throws this error after loading extensions:
--- Code: ---mount: can't setup loop device: No space left on device
--- End code ---
and afterwards throws similar errors for each plugin. My perl script has been test on my normal TC box, and throws no errors / runs as expected when ran manually (not included in Any ideas as to why it does this when included in Is it trying to run all these scripts before X startup? If so, how do I get it run automatically after X startup? Cron spool file? Appreciate any help and hope the script gives ideas to any one else :)
gerald_clark: runs in background, and may or may not finish before X starts, but it cannot access the X window anyway.
If you want it to run under X then you need to put it in ~/.X.d.
:P thanks for the quick reply, was afraid of that. Do I just drop the shell (perl maybe?) file in there?
I found out the issue was not with my script anyways. Just unpacking and rebuilding the image according to the instructions given came up with the same result. Curious if it's a ubuntu trying fishy things again.
I realize this time it was an issue with permissions. This system is kind of finicky with permissions.
back to having the memory leak / loop issue from even normal unpack and repack with no mods. ugh.
--- Quote from: gerald_clark on November 24, 2014, 10:00:06 PM runs in background, and may or may not finish before X starts, but it cannot access the X window anyway.
If you want it to run under X then you need to put it in ~/.X.d.
--- End quote ---
Can you point me to a good resource on this X script? Still need to get this thing running.
Please read the book.
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