Added daap plugin via avahi - tested streaming to a roku soundbridge and playing from a firefly stream: Title: rhythmbox.tczl
Description: rhythmbox music player
Version: 0.12.5
Author: see list of sites below
Original-site: see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 1.2MB
Extension_by: juanito
Comments: one-stop multimedia application, supporting a music library,
multiple playlists, internet radio, and more
can be used with the python_coherence extension to stream music
to dnla/upnp compliant players like a ps3
requires the atk, cairo, pango, glib2, fontconfig, expat2, libxml2,
graphics-libs-1, pixman, ttf-bitstream-vera, Xlibs_support, gtk2,
dbus, dbus-glib, libproxy, gnutls, libgcrypt, libgpg-error,
totem-pl-parser, gnome-media, GConf-,
ORBit2-2.14.17_devs, libglade, libsoup-gnome, gstreamer,
gst-plugins-base, libasound, liboil, ogg-vorbis, libtheora,
gst-plugins-good, flac, taglib, gst-plugins-bad, bzip2-lib,
gst-plugins-ugly, libmad, libid3tag, gst-python, gmime, libffi,
python, sqlite3, openssl-0.9.8h, tcl_tk, pycairo, pygobject, pygtk,
pyorbit, libIDL, gnome-python, gnome-vfs_2.24.1_devs,
libbonobo-2.24.1_devs, libgnome, libnotify, gcc_libs, libdaemon,
nss-mdns, avahi and extensions
this extension contains:
rhythmbox-0.12.5 - GPLv2 -
Change-log: 2009/11/08
added daap steaming via avahi dependency
Current: 2009/11/20