dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions
One command update of the sce directory.
Jason W:
I am now testing my first run of an automated "one command" sce directory update. Updating SCE"s that are made from list files, those that use .dep files and depend on other SCE's, as well as standard packages. It would not be possible without the creating the SCE in $SCEDIR/update if the SCE was mounted and in use, nor if we did not use and respect existing .dep or .lst files for dependencies and file lists used in the initial creation of the SCE. And for these three concepts we have JLS to thank, I honestly was hesitant to incorporate each one of them as I am resistent to change, but looking back I am glad I did.
This should amount to a time and troubleshooting saver especially for those using more unstable repos like the current Jessie or Trusty. One command and you know your install is square again.
Jason W:
Testing and putting some finishing touches on this concept. Next update will support a 'one command' update of the sce directory for standard Debian packages, SCE's that were imported via a list file, and either of those that make use of a .dep file to use one or more existing SCE's as a dependency..
Jason W:
I am considering working an update function into importsce and the existing deb* scripts instead of having a separate update script that would have to duplicate a whole lot of what is existing in the others. "importsce -u" would copy an existing sce to the normal merging directory, then only what has been updated in Debian compatible repos or our prebuilt section or in the startup scripts and *-data.tar.gz will be merged. If you have a huge sce that has only one package from Debian updated since you imported that sce, then only that one package will be re-merged to the updated sce. It will some time calculating the md5sums, but should overall be a huge time and hardware energy saver.
EDIT: A simple change to the getMd5sum function that uses the same logic as determining deps or size has brought performance from about one second per package to 865 .deb files in my import/debs directory getting their md5sums checked in 16 seconds. So an sce made from 865 packages would be updated in the time it takes to unpack it, 16 seconds to check for updated debs, downloading the startup scripts, downloading/merging of any updated debs, then repacking. If few updated debs or prebuilts, then very fast update. I think I will use a list of available startup scripts that is downloaded once per import session the way we are now using a list of *-data.tar.gz files to save time and bandwidth. With these changes it will probably be next week by the time I have a public testing release.
hi jason,
well thought out concept!
i'm looking forward testing this new feature :)
keep on hacking.
+1 :)
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