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Author Topic: Citrix Receiver 13.1 complaining about libpng12 (I have libpng16)  (Read 2066 times)

Offline FFedo

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I downloaded and installed successfully TinyCore on one of my ESX (for me it does not matter but I prefer to tell you that my TC is virtual just in case).

I found this thread on this very same forum.
I installed all prerequirements etc etc before installing Citrix Receiver for Linux x86 version 13.1

I think the Receiver client changed over time (thread is from 2012) because /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/wfcmgr does not exist anymore.
I need now to start Receiver with /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/selfservice, which when I do my TC is complaining about libpng12.

No prob, I juste need to install it !
... But I allready have the library libpng16  ! Which is installed with TC by default I guess.

Do citrix Receiver need an old version of this library ?
How can I install this old version of libpng12 ?

I tried to create a link from libpng12 to libpng16 ... Which of course did not work  :P

I searched on the Internet, found this but I dont know for which ditribution I need to download.

Thank you for helping me with this :)

Offline Juanito

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Re: Citrix Receiver 13.1 complaining about libpng12 (I have libpng16)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2014, 04:23:53 AM »
tc-4.x and previous versions used libpng12.

From tc-5.x onwards libpng16 is used so extensions compiled using tc-4.x will need to be recompiled for tc-5.x if they depend on libpng. The other option is to use tc-4.x or less.