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web page
here is my free web page radio. It has the BBC world service also
PLease can you share this on any large large networks that you know. I greatly appreciate
that from the forum members. Even share it on your social feeds.
thankyou again,
please do not remove this thread
This topic foiled me again! I was thinking " 'web page' what was this about again?", so you should rename it to web-radio.
It doesn't work well with noscript, but then I just enabled the main page.
And it's a strange domain... So how do you access streams there? I just want an mp3/ogg file, or a stream.
If you can't easily get to it, I doubt it's very good radio anyways ;)
So if you really want people to listen to it, instead of thinking "strange site, bye": make the streams accessible right away.
As you should expect TC users to prefer mplayer or whatever else to listen to podasts, music, and other audio.
This is a Tinycorelinux support forum.
Please keep other site support discussions on those other sites.
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