dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

cubieboard 1 Allwinner A10 running dCore A10


I was able to install the latest version of dCore A10 to uSD card. dCore booted from /dev/sdc1 (mmcblk0p1) into cli but dCore could not find the mmcblk0p2 which I had  formatted as ext4 in gparted. dCore showed only nand partitions in /dev no mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2 !!
I also was not able to view the first partition on the uSD card inside dCore. I had to use an adaptor on my PC to edit uEnv.txt.

Question: Is there a way to make mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p2  visible after boot although it is not visible in /dev?

I can see the /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc2 using an adaptor on my PC.

Other than that, dCore A10 is the perfect operating system for Cubieboard1. There are only a few oses  for CB1 A10 around and this board is very inexpensive and widely available.

Jason W:
I don't have a cubieboard, wish I could be of more help.

thank you Jason. If you are interested and if you have a mailing address in US I can send you one.
You may send me a private e-mail.

I discovered that my CB1 went south after a while. One of the USB ports is dead and no sd card memory is visible. The reason that it boots is that the boot stuff
is in front of parttion 1 and that the bootloader then jumps to partition 1 where the kenel, uEnv.txt, script.bin and boot.scr are located. /dev/sdc2 (mmcblk0p2) is not visible
from ARM only in Linux using a uSD card adaptor.

It would be great if we could port dCore to all cubieboards (cb1,cb2, cubietruck and the new cubieboard 4 which was just announced and should be available in China.

Jason W:
I will look into what it would take to port dCore to cubieboard.

great - thank you - please keep us posted here.
Cubieboard 1 is Allwinner 10, Cubieboard2 and cubietruck are Allwinner A20. A dCore for CB2 and Cubietruck should be very similar, exept cubietruck has bluetooth and wifi on board.


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