Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
[SOLVED] How to uninstall applications TCZ?
--- Quote from: bmarkus on October 12, 2014, 02:16:16 PM ---Or
1) remove from /tce/onboot.list
2) reboot
3) delete from /tce/optional
4) reboot
Please note, if it is a dependency of other apps removel will break them too.
--- End quote ---
That is why you should use the Apps utility.
It will not remove a package that is a dependency of another package.
It also removes any packages it depends upon if no other packages also depend upon them.
There is no need to remove them from onboot, as Apps does that for you.
ok, Thanks to everyone for the tips
unfortunately I can not use the program indicated 'Apps audit' but the program 'Apps' to uninstall app that I want to remove, but i thinks it's the same.
And I followed also the example 'the delete flash video' work but they are still stopped.
Will you help me?
I have tiny core version 5.2
Hi I'm still here for the reason that I can not uninstall the app 'xfe' and does not give me a way to use the file manage 'flwm' I prefer.
I followed the steps that you mentioned but nothing.
When I run tc @ box: ~ $ flwm from the terminal I get the answer:
- Another window manager is running. You must exit it before running flwm.
How do I? I have to remove them one by one from the folder ?:
Just remove xfe.tcz from /tce/onboot.list
It seems a strange thing, but the name xfe.tcz does not exist inside /tce/onboot.lst
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