Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

[SOLVED] How to uninstall applications TCZ?

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 /mnt /sda1/tce/  is a common and correct location.

Simply use Apps   to remove programs

Open Apps, select  Apps button > Maintenance >  Dependencies and Deletions, wait for the list of installed extensions to be built, then,
Select the Extension you wish to remove, while highlighted go up to the Dependencies button and choose "Mark for deletion"  the extension will be listed in the right window along with any errors messages regarding dependencies..
Next select the Dependencies button > Exit Dependency check> close Apps, Apps button > Quit, then reboot

Sounds a little complex when is written but is actually quite easy when you get the routine down.

Hope that helps

Hello coreplayer2,

Your summary is exactly what I wanted.
I will follow your instructions no doubt when I'll need it. thanks


--- Quote from: bmarkus on October 12, 2014, 02:16:16 PM ---Or

1) remove from /tce/onboot.list
2) reboot
3) delete from /tce/optional
4) reboot

Please note, if it is a dependency of other apps removel will break them too.

--- End quote ---
Why do you have to reboot twice?

Hi pan

--- Quote ---Why do you have to reboot twice?
--- End quote ---
Because until you reboot the first time, the extensions are still mounted, and you cannot delete a mounted extension.

Use the uninstall options in apps or tce-audit.  They will also uninstall no longer needed dependencies.


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