dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions
virtualbox vboxdrv
With the last post of netnomad I have newly import the two packages and YES, now runs OK.
Perhaps it wasn't updated the repository the last time I re-imported.
Thanks ;D
(Seems I don't have the problem with the kmap like netnomad, I will prove later again, at this moment I don't have time)
Edit: I can confirm that I don't have any problems with my kmap (as boot code: lang=es_ES@euro kmap=es)
(and in .filetool.lst: usr/share/kmap/es.kmap
usr/share/kmap/qwerty )
Jason W:
Thank you netnomad and Onyarian for testing and posting results. I have taken some measures in base dCore to deal with cdrom and other groups that the main user needs to belong to but require a re-login to effect. I have uploaded an updated dCore-jessie.gz and dCore.gz, see the release posings, please test though it should just work.
Hi Jason,
I'm working, and with great satisfaction, with ub-dCore-trusty, is possible to update this and correct the version at boot?
hi jason,
my virtualbox-winxp seems to be pretty stable,
but nevertheless i loose my locale-keymap de.
so i have to exit to prompt, logoff and after the new logon i get my localised kmap de back.
is there still a misconfiguration on my side or is it just the state of the current virtualbox-package?
Jason W:
netnomad - It is working for Onyarian and I don't use kmaps, so I am not sure what it could be. I could boot with a locale setting and test, I may do that tonight.
Onyarian - I will update ub-dCore-trusty. I was going to leave the Ubuntus as is and focus on Debian, but it is not really costing anything to leave them up and update them from time to time. Also, Trusty has exposed an issue that I thought was fixed in Jessie, perhaps the changes in Jessie simply bought enough time during tc-config to allow UUID and LABEL waitusb as it is not working in Trusty when set up the same as Jessie. On testing with the systemd udev, it seems that being able to use the blkid command and list the UUID/LABEL does not mean the device has settled and is ready to mount. Also, when dmesg says the device is "Available" it also does not mean it can be mounted at that instant. But evidently it means the device is able to be scanned and added to fstab. I will test the "dry run" option of mount after the rebuildfstab function as a dry run mount should mean that mounting will work at that time.
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