Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x


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Both tce and tcz are posted.

--- Quote ---Title:          flwm.tce
Description:    Fast Light Window Manager
Version:        1.0.2.
Author:         Bill Spitzak
Original-site:  http://flwm.sourceforge.net
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:      28K
Extension_by:   roberts
Comments:       Requires Tiny Core v2.0rc4 or newer
Current:        2009/05/31 Modified by RS to work with Tiny Core.

--- End quote ---

Tools Menu Updated for v2.2

--- Code: ---Title:          flwm.tce
Description:    Fast Light Window Manager
Version:        1.0.2.
Author:         Bill Spitzak
Original-site:  http://flwm.sourceforge.net
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 28K
Extension_by:   roberts
Comments:       Requires Tiny Core v2.0rc4 or newer
                2009/05/31 Modified by RS to work with Tiny Core.
Current:        2009/08/01 Updated Tools menu for v2.2

--- End code ---

Thanks to Mike Lockmoore for bug fixes to this awesomely tiny window manger.

--- Quote ---Title:          flwm.tce
Description:    Fast Light Window Manager
Version:        1.0.2.
Author:         Bill Spitzak
Original-site:  http://flwm.sourceforge.net
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:      28K
Extension_by:   roberts
Comments:       Requires Tiny Core v2.0rc4 or newer
                2009/05/31 Modified by RS to work with Tiny Core.
                2009/08/01 Updated Tools menu for v2.2
Current:        2009/08/22 Bug fixes by Mike Lockmoore.

--- End quote ---

Specifically the fixes include:
1. Fixed cursor annoyance.  Sometimes it would remain a double arrow.
2. Fixes window title. Sometimes upon resize it would overlay the window resize buttons.
3. Swapped position of iconize [  ] with close [X}. This not only ensures that the close button will always be on screen, but makes it more consistent with the rotated title bar.

flwm is once again under consideration as the default window manager.

now u never see the double arrow

jls:  You see the double-arrow cursor in this new version if you click directly on the window border and drag it to resize it.  I know it is hard to hit the very narrow borders in flwm, but in the old version, you also saw the double-arrow cursor even if you passed the border.  So it was also hard to resize in that version too, since it looked like you should be resizing, but if you were a pixel too far in, you couldn't!   :P

It may be possible to find a more complete fix, where the cursor shape changes over the border and *only* when over the border, but I have not been able to find a way to do this yet.  Some of the X Windows information that the FLTK libs and flwm expect to get seem to be not available in the implementation in TC Linux.  We will share a new version if we can come up with a more complete solution.  I'd also like to make flwm paint the window title along the top of the window instead of the left side (I don't like trying to read sideways.  :-\)
Mike L


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