It's working.
I made the link inside the initrd point to the right kernel, and now i can load modules from
Doing modinfo, also tells me, i am using kernel 3.14.6 now.
So, after having build module evdev and uinput, i can load them, and when trying to load LIRC, there
Is no more complains about missing --uinput etc... Etc..

bad thing through, i fighted the lirc 3 hours now, still cant get it to work.
Anyone here ever got it working ?..(i did once, around a half year ago on other picore)
I have compiled both lirc-0.9.0 (version i one had working) and the newest lirc-0.9.1a, there is a dep. Help2man, which i also compiled.
All 3 progs. I have as homemade .tcz
I havent sent those tcz to tinycore yet, as i wont before i got it working on my own.
If anyone will like to try it, i can sent them, no problem

Btw. Lirc reciver is homemade connected to gpio 18, and is working on another distro, so hardware is still good!
My old working lirc link is here ::