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it got me can of worms....thinking.  That's typical for me.

1) Planned obsellesence?  (are wi fi stacks and FW updateable over air?)  The regs say the telco can change soft/w anytime it likes.

2) Tried the registry make over. Though it did not help re-installs of the wi fi dongle.

just unkowns again......anyway, thanks again



Oh my

just how unreliable do you find WI FI?....

it seems like a pot luck thing.....i mean could you even manage any computing interactions
over connections like this?




The wi fi story continues here.

COmpletely flattened the laptop machine. Striped the drive. It reported an error at block Zero.

Completely striped the hard drive again "killdisk", this time it was a success.

Completely re-installed win32.

Installed the WI IF usb dongle. (8 seconds)

INstalled word wide web browser  and are on the word wide web now as you see.

Wi FI worked perfectly.....

This clearly prooves that my initial gutt ache had been a deep problem inside win32 and nothing
to do with WI FI hardware.  (was correct)

This takes a couple of hours to proove out.  ONly annoying thing is all the lost data
from the hard drive.

Now i been using WI FI quite some while and signal can go from 54 meg bit down to maybe 11
that's 54 36 24, 11.....and that's a solid signal.

Why post this?

WEll in truth i wanted to give you a heads up and " no brainer" comment about Tinycore.

Yes it's for wired internet connections is Tcl. But is it just Core PLus...(infact a different OS) that can do TCL with wi fi......kind of a larger step 

If the tcl WI FI extension was just real easy, (for example, my telco on win32 is one click to install a wi fi dongle using one extension file. it Buzzes away yellow and your connected to the world wide web in approx 8 seconds.

Is it the case that tinycore could offer to email an Extension? that even a nomad city dweller
with just a cell phone could get hold of this and apply it to his THumb drive...and boot TCL to the
word wide web.

Just an idea.

It is just an idea.  Most people are happy with the WWW their smartphone right....

One good thing came out of all the above. I get A really nicely re-worked SLEEK laptop here and
it's in perfect condition and doing what i want   it to do

1) CD quality 5 million track web juke box free
2) STreaming hollywood movies...fullscreen
3) GOogle maps
4) Youtube
5) Adult fun 9ha ha
6) THousands of live online Radio stations
7) 60 live UK tv channels  (TVcatchup) 

etc etc

The laptop was free.....too

so all in all...something worked out




May not have mentioned in this WI FI thread, but i was using a "hole" in my telco
which gave free DSL wi fi at 54 megbit.  This is kind of fate and luck because it still
works in my new apartment also.

THe Telco is British Telecom UK and the hole is pointed through using Chromium browser
and a special free plug-in extension from the store.  The telco have not discovered this hole
in over 7 months now.

It will perhaps not work globally , depends upon the telco although it will work on all
global British Telecom wi fi zones....which is 12.5 million , of which 6 milllion are outside
the UK.

i realize that for a mamoth corporation they are not concerned about such things.

I calculated that for just the UK, the hole may have lost them maybe 1 .5 million dollars
so far.  The fact they still have not discovered this , well?...could i inform them and get
a free clap on the back?

I don't think anybody is much bothered, but i share , so if you need a free DSL
broadband signal in the UK, and you smell British Telecom wi fi  signals at your home.... let me know.  In return , you could pay it forward sometime to other friends.



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