I'm trying to make the desktop look as much like classic Windows as possible. Removed wbar, and changed to icewm because, unlike openbox and flwm, icewm has a taskbar with a menu button. I'm also trying to simplify the main menu as much as possible. For instance, do not want "restart icewm" in it.
The problem I'm having now is icewm does not preserve changes to the main menu. The rest of my settings are preserved, things like putting the taskbar on the bottom. But /home/tc/.icewm/menu is overwritten during boot. I tried setting the file to read only, then tried changing ownership to root and setting read only, and it was still overwritten. Digging further, I see that there's this script, /usr/local/bin/icewm_initmenu, which is responsible.
How best to fix this? It's not so easy to simply delete or change icewm_initmenu. Maybe I could unsquash /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/icewm.tcz (I put TC on the hard drive), delete icewm_initmenu and pack it back up. But if the user tried to update all the software, would that undo that change? Or is there some setting in icewm to stop it from generating a menu? Perhaps icewm_initmenu should overwrite the system copy of menu, not the local user's copy? Or maybe I should add a few lines to .profile, something like "sleep 5;cp .backup/menu .icewm/"? Or just make icewm_initmenu unable to overwrite the menu file if it is read only.