General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Remastering Tinycore.gz HowTo - A simple way
This is the procedure for extracting and repacking of tinycore.gz file. I think same may apply to core.gz.
Extracting tinycore.gz :
mkdir /tmp/temp
Copy tinycore.gz to /tmp , then
cd /tmp/temp
zcat /tmp/tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d >/dev/null
Remaster/make changes to the extracted tinycore.gz which must be now somewhere under /tmp.
re-packing tinycore.gz from remastered version:
Delete /tmp/tinycore.gz , then
cd /tmp/temp
sudo sh -c "find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2" > /tmp/tinycore.gz
Note: Use sudo where-ever required. Also there is good explanation in Remastring section of Wiki and the Forum's posts.
Posted on the request of a newbee. Hope this helps to others also.
Why -2 used with gzip?
Some optimization:
--- Code: ---zcat /tmp/tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d >/dev/null
--- End code ---
can be replaced with
--- Code: ---zcat ../tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -d
--- End code ---
to make it shorter and portable.
For packing
--- Code: ---sudo sh -c "find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2" > /tmp/tinycore.gz
--- End code ---
can be shorten to
--- Code: ---find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../tinycore.gz
--- End code ---
--- Quote ---Why -2 used with gzip?
--- End quote ---
As described in the wiki but advdef -z4 tinycore.gz is mentioned in the wiki, too.
I'm wondering, could we remaster core.gz using any compression level or do certain requirements need to be met? I have slow network connections and CD drives in mind. I recently booted tinycore on an ancient 233MHz laptop via CD which took quite some time after choosing a menu entry from the boot loader. I guess it was either decompressing the initrd or reading it from the CD which took so long.
I make it easy by using core-remaster.tcz extension
--- Quote from: Misalf on August 26, 2014, 07:59:34 AM ---
I'm wondering, could we remaster core.gz using any compression level or do certain requirements need to be met?
--- End quote ---
Use whatever you want.
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