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What was your first experience?

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For anyone interested: There are a few current apps for data storage on paper:

First computer experience: WatfivS [sp?] (a subset of FORTRAN) on an unseen university computer in 1977.

First personal computer: Apple II+ with 48K of memory and a cassette port for storage (1980). Never cared for BASIC but managed to program it to play Backgammon (used assembly language subroutines for some pieces of this). I had so much spare time in those days!

Talked my office into buying Turbo Pascal for the supermicro; my all-time favorite programming language.

Since then COBOL and Java, not nearly as much fun. Windows boxes at home.

Then TCL on a thrown-away Compaq and a custom bare-bones -- fun again!

Grade school around '95. We were taught Word and Excel. :(

It was1967, my junior year in Highschool.  Our math class learned Fortran 4 ( Watt For ) using marked sense cards.
I was one of the first members of the New London High School Computer Club.  We used an ARR-33 Teletype to
connect to a computer in another state to run programs in BASIC.
We would punch out tapes on our own time, and they would be read and run during club meetings.

The first computer I owned was an Altair 680 I built in 1976.


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on November 06, 2010, 11:45:23 AM ---We used an ARR-33 Teletype

--- End quote ---

Guess it was ASR-33, see



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