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What was your first experience?

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and a Asus Eee PC 701 netbook (4Gb flashdisk and tiny 800x480 screen) onto which I should start installing Tiny Core Linux and other stuff. I

 i am waiting...

a question

can be an app to run basic in tc, easy to install, for retrosoft ?

There are several basic interpreters / compilers for linux. I think one was freebasic.

My first experience was with a 386 desktop that my parents got the family for one Christmas...I didn't even know what a computer was until then (not including an Atari or Nintendo). I then took an HTML summer course at a community college nearby when I was still fairly young, used what I learned there to start a little Webpage company with a friend of mine when the internet was still new to the public.
Got to college, learned some Java, C/C++, VHDL, very limited assembly...thats all for a hardware engineer
Now, learned Basic (RealBasic), Linux (enough to be dangerous), and a few others on the job....for various industrial computers, mini-itx and nano-itx boards

At roughly the same time (circa 1979 - ahem) my first go at computing was to attempt to execute a simple program using fortran/punch cards on a mainframe 30 miles up the road and being given 8 hours to print a sine wave using a Commodore pet/64.

I recall it took about 15mins to figure out how to switch the Commodore/printer on...

good to see some old friends here.

first look at a computer in school around 83 was some sort of big dos box, i had to type out a simple program, i remember hating it because the other 10 computers were "bbc b"s and i thought id drawn the short straw.  looking back i should have paid more attention.

then a spectrum 48k  with a specdrum synth, tried a little basic before psu died.

i had little exposure of computers till 97 when i landed a job in a korean electronics company and had 6 months in south korea training.

then went back to school 2 years later to get a computing degree to catch up using knoppix in my final project.  thinking i could just release my idea of an os calling it stunix, hence the name.

now Im a linux plumber!


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