wifi.sh needs alias hostname="busybox hostname"
added to resolve a hostname error message whenever wifi.sh is run whilst coreutils.tcz is loaded in corepure64. The error appears to originate from the x86_64 version of coreutils GNU Hostname v8.21 which doesn't have the short -s option
Most other hostname binaries eg x86_64/nettools/hostname, x86/inetutils/hostname, x86/coreutils/hostname and x86 & x86_64/busybox/hostname use older versions and are compatible with the short -s option (however there are other untested versions in the repo's).
the message is
hostname: invalid option -- 's'
Try 'hostname --help' for more information.
A fix for this error is enforce busybox version by adding alias hostname="busybox hostname" to the alias group
alias awk="busybox awk"
alias grep="busybox grep"
alias hostname="busybox hostname"
Tests good in my extension on both x86 & x86_64 installations
any chance of an update please?